Ninja Hattori Wiki

The Mitsuba family is a family residing in a suburb in Tokyo at the Mitsuba house.

Family members


Kentaru Mitsuba, a young man, met a well-known essayist during his young adult years, and as time wore on, they fell in love with each other and got married. About ten years later, the couple had their only child, Kenichi, who would not be very good in his academic life but have great compassion for others. When he was twelve years old, ninja Kanzo Hattori stumbled upon the house and befriended Kenichi; his parents looked after Hattori as well, and Hattori would start calling them "Mum" and "Dad" later on. He was joined by Shishimaru, his long-lost pet dog and companion, and by Shinzo, his younger brother a few days later.
